Friday, August 28, 2009



I wanna talk about Social Class and Misappropriation of Wealth for a minute here. There is absolutely NO fucking reason why one person in this country is taking in 2 Billion Dollars a year and millions of people are earning less than $20,000 a year. I don't give a FUCK what good or service that person is providing in this country or for this country.

With the exception of individuals taking advantage of the welfare state, the lower classes are working just as hard as the bloated, rich upper 10%, if not harder. You don't see corporate execs working 3 jobs to feed his loved ones do you? I sure as fuck don't. What I see are criminals in over-priced suits and ties sitting behind desks with shit-eating grins on their faces reaping the benefits of the working class.

The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is being smashed to pieces. The oil prices are criminal, the sick are being raped by the Health Care System, and people are being starved by the skyrocketing food prices. The sales tax in Chicago is now the highest in any city throughout the nation at 10.5%. The answer is NOT tax adjustments. THE ANSWER IS PROFIT ADJUSTMENT.

Capitalism needs to reformed and restructured and if that means incorporating Socialistic theories and ideals then that's what needs to be done. Social Status is not a race, a sex, or a cultural issue. It's a greed issue. I'm talking about restructuring profit margins for the citizens of this country. Capitalism was a great idea for the formation of this country. It worked in the beginning. But the building has been completed and the same idea that helped shape this country is now dividing it in dangerous proportions. Capitalism is no longer working. PERIOD. - Brian James/ Dope Sick Radio

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