Monday, March 15, 2010


Like it says in the intro, Duane Peters should be fuckin dead. And the fact that he's still standin is one of the biggest reasons hes become such a legend in the world of punkrock and skateboarding. Hes a survivor in the purest definition of the word. He doesnt stop. Hes never stopped. And he never will stop. Hes been there from the beginning and its arguable that hes the very reason punk rock and skateboarding ever became associated in the first place. Hes never played by any other rules than the ones hes set for himself and hes never known any other way of life.

The entertainment factor of WHO CARES is off the charts.  The story unfolds brilliantly through a goldmine worth of archived video footage intertwined with narration and interviews from the people who were there right alongside with him. This documentary is not only a definitive oral telling of the history and progression of skateboarding and punk rock, its the story of person whos always lived his life his own way no matter how twisted and fucked it got.

What make this doc so appealing is that the story itself is so universal. Whether you make it through life beaten, bruised, and broke; or alive, stronger, and smarter, the bottom line is that we all have our struggles and we all have to face our demons. And how you deal with your demons is what builds your character. In the case of Duane Peters, that motheruckers got more character than a Saturday morning cartoon. And hes got more charisma than a corner-store schizto preachin the end of the world scratched on an oil-stained piece-o-cardboard.

WHO CARES takes you on a roller coaster ride of highs and lows and at times its straight-up hard to fuckin watch. But in the end, I guarantee youll walk away feeling inspired and motivated and moved.

I cant tell you how many times Ive burned through this DVD and I still hit the pause bottom every time I leave the room to piss. I know whats comin next and I still dont wanna miss a thing.

WHO CARES: The Duane Peters Story  Check this fuckin shit out! - Brian James/ Dope Sick Radio


Year: Released October 5, 2005
Cast: Duane Peters, Duane's Mom, Jay Adams, Tony Alva, Tony Hawk, Glen E. Friedman, Corey Parks, Ricky Barnes
Director: John Lucero
Writer: Keith Hamm
Runtime: 70 min (approx.)
Country: USA
Language: English 
Company: Forever Films/ Black Label